Planning and Zoning Committee
PURPOSE The purpose of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to ensure that land is used in the Village of Port Byron consistent with adopted zoning, subdivision, and building regulations. The Planning and Zoning Commission meets once each month to consider proposals for businesses that require special use permits, proposals for variations, and proposals for other activities related to land development such as plats of consolidation, plats of subdivision, zoning map amendments, and annexations. The Planning and Zoning Commission evaluates proposals against the Village’s adopted 2014 Comprehensive Plan and the Village’s zoning and subdivision ordinances before making a recommendation to the Village Commission for each proposal. When required by State of Illinois law, the Planning and Zoning Commission notifies the public and near-by-property owners about specific land-use proposals and holds public hearings for these proposals.
MEMBERS The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of members appointed by the President of the Village Board of Trustees with the advice and consent of the Village Trustees. A term of the membership appointment is for three years.
MEETING DATES & LOCATION Village Hall – 120 Main St., Port Byron, IL 61275 Regularly Scheduled Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month Special Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
AGENDAS & MINUTES Agendas are available prior to the meetings. All agendas are posted at Village Hall in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. Minutes are available following approval.
The Village of Port Byron Planning & Zoning Committee is made up of the following individuals:
Bob Lagerblade
Robert Wilson
Wayne Oney
Patty Lindley
​Ronald Everly
Elizabeth Jenson